Thursday, 3 January 2013

New Year, new opportunities

Now the seasons festivities are over, the tree is down and the renewed focus on health kicks in its now the time of year I can look forward to the start of the salmon fishing Season. Its with mixed feelings however, the start of the fishing season also sees the end of the Game shooting season.

2012 saw some memorable sport some great Salmon, my personal best Sea Trout, numerous game shooting days and countless Wildfowling forays. the whole season was however, not without frustration. The seemingly endless rain was a constant issue, with days lost Salmon fishing and an almost flooded house on several occasions.
As the rain continues any hope of finding any wildfowl on the coast are slim until it dries up and we get some cold weather.
There are less than four weeks left to shoot Game and six weeks left to shoot coastal Wildfowl so there is still time to enjoy the tail end of the shooting season.
Once over it will be time to check the rods, reels and other tackle and start the season with a couple of days on the Hampshire avon before the season on the Frome gets underway.
 Whilst waiting for the Season to get underway i'll get at the tying bench and make up a nice batch of flies for the new season.
The preparation and anticipation is almost as enjoyable as the first few casts of the new season - heres hoping for an nice early springer - tight lines!!!

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