Monday, 13 August 2012

A fresh run of fish -The Curse of the Hut Pool

Preparation for yesterdays trip was well planned with a number of new flies tied and tackle checked and packed. I find the routines leading up to a days fishing rather satisfying. As I was away last weekend I hadn't fished to 2 weeks so hopes were very high. I planned on getting to the river before 5am in order to fish for the Sea Trout.
Looking down the Armchair Pool

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Atlantic Salmon Magic - Topher Browne

As a self confessed book worm i guess it was only a matter of time before my ramblings focused on my ever growing collection of game fishing books.

One of my Book cases of books mainly about Salmon and Sea Trout fishing

As the nights grow shorter I'll be delving deeper into the shelves picking out many old favourites but for now, i thought I'd write something about one of the newer books in my collection, Atlantic Salmon Magic by Topher Browne

Illness boredom!

Having been rather ill lately i have spent a fair amount of time sitting around with not much to do other than feel sorry for myself. In fact, I've felt so bad that i haven't even felt like sitting at the tying bench!

I did, however, manage an excursion to the shops and bought a DVD. 'A Passion called Salmon'

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Christchurch Angling Club open day

Christchurch angling club will be holding an open day on Sunday the 5th of August. With ample free fly casting tuition (single and double handed) from the club's AAPGAI instructors along with coarse fishing tuition. It promises to be a great day for anyone attending. See the link below for details.
Somerley open day
This is a lovely part of the country and the club have some great fishing!

More great blogs on Fishtec's favourite fly fishing blog list

Recently fly fishing tackle retailer, Fishtec have been on the lookout for quality, informative and interesting fishing blogs to be listed within their favourite fly fishing blog list.
Over the past few weeks we’ve been following Paul at Chasing Salmon and all the office staff found his material informative and entertaining, a blog which keeps the read interested and wanting to read more.
We’ve recently reviewed Pauls blog here -
alongside some of the top UK fly fishing blogs – take a look and see what you think for yourself.